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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Important Questions Of Computer Graphics

These are some important questions are for bca5b

1. Explain DDA line drawing algorithm. Consider the line from (1,1) to (5,6). Use DDA line drawing algorithm to rasterise this line.

2. Define the following
i) Pixel
ii) Vectors
iii) Line
iv) Frame Buffers
v) Resolution

3. Describe Bresenham’s algorithm for
i) Line Drawing
ii) Circle drawing

4. Explain the following data generating devices:
i) Scanners
ii) Digitizers

5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of DDA Algorithm.

6. Explain different character generation techniques.

7. Draw and explain the following input devices
i) Trackball
ii) Joystick
iii) Mouse
iv) Light Pen System

8. What is aliasing? Explain anti-aliasing techniques.

9. Derive the expression for decision parameter used in Bresenham’s circle Algorithm. Also explain the Bresenham’s Circle algorithm.

10. Explain the features of various display devices.

11. Derive the expression for decision parameter used in Bresenham’s line algorithm. What are the steps required to plot the line whose slope is between 0 to 45 degree using Bresenham’s method.

12. Explain the concept of Display File Structure.

13. Define Aspect Ratio.

14. Find out which pixels would be turned “ON” for the line having end-points p1(-1,-2) and p2(4,8) using DDA Algorithm

15. Explain display file interpreter and display processor.

16. Using Bresenham’s algo find out which pixels would be turned on for the line with end points(-1,-2) to (4,8).

17. Explain in Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm how the next value of ‘Y’ is calculated. Derive Bresenham’s algorithm for drawing circle using 8-octat symmetry.

18. Using Bresenham’s Circle drawing algorithm plot the points with radius 8 and origin at center.

19. Prove that 2 scaling transformation commute that is:
S1S2 = S2S1.

20. Illustrate the steps involved in the scan line filling of the polygon whose vertices in the clockwise direction are given as A(5,0) , B(0,5) , C(5,10).

21. Explain Seed fill and Edge fill polygon filling algorithms.

22. Explain Scaling, Rotation and Translation with respect to 2D Transformations.

23. Perform a 45degree rotation of triangle A(0,0), B(1,1), C(5,2) about origin and about point P(-1, -1).

24. What is Homogeneous co-ordinate system? Explain need of Homogeneous co-ordinates. Compare Homogeneous and Normalized co-ordinates.

25. Consider the square A(1,0), B(0,0), C(0.1), D(1,1). Rotate the square by 45degree anticlockwise direction followed by reflection about X-axis.

26. Explain and compare seed fill and Edge fill polygon filling algorithms.

27. Consider the square P(0,0) , Q(0,10), R(10,10), S(10,0). Rotate the square about fixed point R(10,10) by an angle 45degree (anticlockwise) followed by scaling by 2 units in X and 2 units in Y direction.

28. Describe 2 methods for testing whether the point is inside a polygon.

29. Find transformation of triangle ABC where A(1,0), B(0,1) and C(1,1) by rotating 30degree about origin and then translating one unit in X and Y direction.

30. Explain the inverse transformation method. Derive the matrix for inverse transformation.

31. Explain the rotation of polygon through arbitrary line.

32. How do you perform shear in two dimensions.

33. Describe the different steps involved in 2D word co-ordinate system to viewing co-ordinate transformation. Also obtain the transformation in matrix form.

34. What is a segment Explain segment table and different operations performed on the segment.

35. Explain Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm with the help of suitable example.

36. Explain the concept of generalized clipping with the help of a suitable example.

37. Explain Creation, Deletion and Renaming Segment operations.

38. Explain Suther-Hodgman algorithm for polygon clipping.

39. What is windowing and clipping? What do you mean by interior and exterior clipping?

40. Explain the concept of Z Buffers.

50. With the help of an algorithm explain the hidden surface problem which emphasizes on
the display of the image.

51. Explain the hidden surface algorithm using Binary Space Partition.

52. With the help of a neat diagram explain the different types of illumination.

53. Explain the concept of Reflection and Refraction.

54. Explain Ray Tracing and Shadowing.

55. Write short notes on RGB Color Model and HSV Color Model.

Please Note Red Questions are not suitable for BCA syllabus

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